Thursday, April 17, 2014

Attack on the Feminine - Again?

It's been a long time since I've posted here. Have been doing some local things intensively with some of the all-too-few people who are attempting to protect the environment and save what little is left. People standing up for human rights or the environment have been ridiculed, vilified, snubbed, slandered, discredited, glared at, stared at, cold-shouldered, threatened, harassed, and more. This happens in a small community too. And even nastier things would start happening - vandalism, threats of violence, and violence itself - could happen here too, at the rate things are heating up nationally in these pressure-cooker times.

If you care at all about what's happening to the Earth and the life forms on it, including human, you get brokenhearted, discouraged, burned-out when you are up against such odds. No one lasts long at giving their whole heart and soul, and losing over and over again. Turning away is not an option and looking hurts too much. Many hard core activists either burn out or die; through sickness or violence. If you get on the front lines for the Environment, you are considered Public Enemy #1, and it starts right where you live.

In this manic era of so-called patriotism, if you care about social welfare, or want to stop corporate  fossil fuel land rapists and bankster and billionaire robber barons, you are considered a communist traitor against the American Way - by the very people being brainwashed by puppetmaster propoganda to hate you - because you still care about the Earth and humanity. The puppeteers would just as soon that we kill each other - so that they don't have to kill us. How did we get here? When and where can it stop and begin to turn in another direction? Is humanity destined to repeat and repeat and repeat this bloody broken-record paradigm?

Everywhere today in the USA, polarities exist where people are so embroiled and entrenched in their opposing stances that nobody is listening to each other anywhere or realizing we're all on the same Titanic going down. There seems to be a collective fist-shaking perpetual shouting match, and the stress level of most Americans seems through the roof. This seems true on all levels. Politics have gone crazy. Congress is attacking women's rights and the environment.

Collectively, we have lost our connection to the earth; the body which nourishes and supports us all. We pollute the waters, the soil, and send poison smoke and invisible deadly chemicals into the sky. This seems an all-out attack on the Feminine. The U.S. is heading into a Taliban-type fanaticism and fascism, the likes that none of us has ever seen. Our country is officially an oligarchy now. The planet itself cannot sustain life for much longer, with the amount of damage humanity has done to it since industrialization. If there is any hope at all for humanity, or for life on this planet to survive in some way, it can only come through regaining our connection with all of life, and allowing that deep connection to All to open our hearts and minds and inform us again.