That could be the headline to much of what is going on these days. The continued pummeling by Congress on the EPA and consumer protections, medicare & health care, Women's reproductive rights, Social Security, the dirty lies and secrets of the US Chamber of Commerce (no relation to your local Chamber!) - where only a few corporations give billions of dollars to manipulate elections and force mandatory electronic voting with no documentable monitoring of tampering, spying on regular Americans who disagree with being made powerless serfs at the hands of the ultra-rich Corporatocracy, etc. The pharmaceutical companies selling us our drugs to keep us numb sheeple who don't make waves - telling us our rage is a sickness that needs to be medicated. The pundits for greed decide to proliferate more oil rape, more nuclear take and take and what do we get? Poisoned!
Feeling ill yet? Feeling really angry? Good. That means you're waking up. Everyone in this Sunny New Age says anger has no place in the full spectrum of human emotions. Anger is a force that can be used for good because it motivates people - it shakes them, wakes them, gets them off their collective lazy asses and shows them there's something worth fighting for. Let's use our anger for the good, people. Let's use it like a controlled burn for the health of the forest.
There are so many holes in the dike and the water is over the sea wall. People, we can't lose heart now. We can't give up even though our heads are barely above the rising waters. Get out your snorkel masks and let's get busy!
The most insidious manipulations of all are pitting person against person and this poison is coming out even locally in your neighborhood. People are being called "commies" and "dirty socialists" again by people who are angry for the right reasons and at the wrong people and things. But we must keep trying to collectively wake up. It's important to keep reading the news that enrages us and sickens us, and we must not lose sight of the fact that we're all having a damned hard time just being human and we're all doing our best that we know how to do - so that's where compassion for self and others comes in. Rage is appropriate now, but not uncontrolled rage. We can take that rage and NOT turn it against "all government" or "that right wing or left wing nutjob." Those notions are silly and insane and being fed to you to keep US divided. People, we're all smarter than that!
If we want to step to the plate and take responsibility for our parts in creating this mess, we have to look at ourselves, our collective culture. What in our lifestyle continues to feed the destructiveness? What do we really need, versus what we want or think we need? Has complicating our lives really given us happiness? What would happen if we simply unplugged our TVs and decided to participate fully in the Reality Show called Life? When was the last time you chose the outdoors over the computer or TV?
Re: Congress - There are people in Congress who are the last of the statesmen who are fighting FOR us, and they are few, and the dirty politics used to get them out of office is staggering in financial scope and underhandedness. At this moment, the Wisconsin Recall Elections are being undermined, even while there ARE the votes to recall all of those senators and representatives. I guarantee you that if electronic voting is used for the recall elections, the results will be a lie and will be manipulated. We can't let that happen. Demand traceable paper ballots! Demand a hand-count on ALL elections. Follow that HERE
On and on it all goes, and we're at that juncture where we seem pathetically puny compared to the Evil Empire, and we are. But we still have our hearts. If you're a Harry Potter fan or a Narnia fan or a Star Wars fan, or have read, seen, or lived the story in some way of "good versus evil" (and we are in the thick of it now), we must stand tall and never give up, never lose heart! There are millions and millions of us worldwide. Comparatively, there are only a few of the power-mongering liars. There are many ways to fight the stench of corruption and heartlessness which is a coverup for great fear. Some will use violence to fight violence. We still need our warriors and protectors. Some will use their minds, some their hearts, some their hands to build. Some will pray and meditate. Some are so freaked-out by the word "fight" - fine, use your own words, just DO something. Doesn't matter what - simply believe that you can be a force for evolution. DO NOT GIVE UP OR GIVE IN. Pick up that pen. Paintbrush. Keyboard. Shovel. Book. And use it. And know that this cosmic play is that - a play, a dance. We all get to play all the parts until we know how it all feels.
Yeah, we're all way too busy just surviving. Out of work. Scared. Foreclosed. Homeless. Poorer than ever. Physically and mentally ill, due to pollution and radiation, stress and continual lies and insults being fed us while we're asked to "sacrifice." Yeah, we're depressed. I hope we're getting enraged. Why fight at all, you ask? Why care, if the world just seems to be coming to an end anyhow? Because LIFE keeps fighting to live; that's what it does. We have to act as if there's hope right now - whether there is or not - and there is. We do this not for ourselves. We do it for our children and grandchildren, for people who are downhearted and afraid, we do it for all the creatures and sentient beings who can't speak out for themselves and are getting steamrollered by humanity. When it seems most hopeless, that's the time to press on.
Here at home, there's more reason than ever to put pressure on those who would sell us down the river, and thank and encourage every good decision made by your representative or senator. Those such as Bernie Sanders and Alan Grayson did the hard work of telling the truth and not letting up. I hope we don't abandon them now. Many other strong statespeople have been attacked, framed, slandered, and put out of office. But not ALL congress or the senate is corrupt. We still have a handful and we need to keep them and add others who will speak for us and not the elitists and corporateers.
Don't think this system works at all? What ideas and plans do you have to replace it? While we quietly work behind the scenes to build the new paradigm to replace this stinking rotten one, we must not for a moment let naivety or cynicism keep us from also doing the work at hand in THIS paradigm. If we just disconnect, maybe it'll go away? Nice fantasy. You can't take away one paradigm without having another to take its place or it's just same ol' same ol'. History proves this.
I'm very nervous and scared about this mob-mentality that seems to be leading up to Civil War in the United States. People, don't you see that it's the Plan to pit us one against another so we kill each other and the real puppeteers won't have to dirty their hands with our blood? We can't let them win! Even if the FEMA camps are for us, and the gas chambers - we must not surrender.
Many of our forefathers didn't give up; they faced dangers and defied the authorities. But even some of our forefathers were rich white crooks who came here to plunder the continent, and their descendents are now owning us and planning to kill us off - if not our bodies, our souls - same as they did the First Peoples and the Blacks and Hispanics.
I know... I'm on a rant. After signing the umpteenth petition to try to save what little is left of the environment and all that is good about our lovely planet, I guess I just need to know you're out there having similar thoughts and not giving up. People, the time to EVOLVE is NOW. Never give up.
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