Saturday, January 22, 2011

Inspirational people and the passing of someone inspirational

When the earthquake in Haiti happened last January, I read about a married pair of surgeons who went to Haiti immediately to treat the severely injured and save lives. The hospital in Port Au Prince had been destroyed, along with most of its staff. This couple had rudimentary tools, there were no other; saws were used for amputations necessary to save lives. The horror and suffering they witnessed all around them was unbelievable, but real. They acted, unflinchingly, in the face of what would make most people crumble. I wept when I read their blog entries. In their blogs, which were sometimes graphic and hard to read, they wrote with passion and the best of their humanness. They didn't turn away from the massive suffering, the heartbreak, the stench of death. They were heroes (I'm sorry - I forgot their names, but will research that and put up a link as soon as I can find their blogs again). I honor and thank them. They are inspirational.

They asked people to help; the situation in Haiti was (and likely still is) unimaginably dire. There were no medical supplies or antibiotics. People had no place to go (and still live in tents). One of the organizations mentioned was Partners in Health (PIH), who had been operating in Haiti and certain places around the world. PIH's chapter in Haiti is called Zanmi Lasante. They'd been helping in Haiti for many years before the earthquake. Partners in health has a sterling reputation for integrity, including their handling of the monies they receive. You can read about the work they do and the fundamental principles of their work here:
The PIH newsletter I opened yesterday contained eulogies to their founder, Tom White, who lived to a ripe old age and died surrounded by some of those who he loved and who loved him. Reading about him (of whom I knew nothing) restored my faith that there are some really rich people on this planet who are dedicated to spending their lives and fortunes on relieving suffering and contributing something good and healing. Tom White saw the interconnectedness of things. Probably there are more like Tom White, but you rarely hear of them.  He gave his entire fortune, which was substantial. He gave his homes (moving to smaller and smaller ones), his assets, whatever was needed, as Partners in Health grew. Thank you, Tom, for devoting your life to helping others. Thanks for not looking away, for making the time, for caring, for giving your all. Thanks for the high bar you set for humanity.

Here are a few links to read about Tom  White, visionary and true friend of all peoples, who wanted to make this world a better place, and did.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how pleased and happy I am to see this blog. Your profile statement could have been written by me. I will be following with rapt interest. Thank you!
