Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Michael Collins - your blog just opened my naively idealistic eyes - again.

I just read Michael Collins, who is a regular blogger at Op Ed News. I read him a lot. He doesn't prettify things or mince words. Although I find his blogs depressing (because what he says is the cold hard truth with a fair measure of anger thrown in), I also find myself agreeing with what he writes because he seems to have a great b.s. meter and gets right to the point.

So after reading his blog I need to say I stand corrected. After I gushed over Bernie Sanders's senate floor speech, what Michael Collins said deflated any hope or trust I have in the senate. Senator Sanders sat on his hands without a fight or debate on this tax bill/hidden agenda bill. How bewildering is that. Despite what I saw as a heroic act last Friday by Senator Sanders (and still do),  Mr. Collins brings to light that perhaps that was just another ploy by the oligarchy to make us THINK we're not alone in this fight. What a hollow feeling that leaves in the pit of my stomach.

Read that blog entry here

It would be good to know what others think and know on this.

I just read somewhere that the "tax relief" act has 10 other bills hidden within it. Don't even know what to say except: how do we find out which bills and what they state? And, um, er....(pushes dropped jaw closed)... is that legal???

Riddle me this:
Is it legal for the senate (or Congress) to use continuing resolutions in order to push through major regulatory initiatives? Is it unconstitutional? If so, how can we prove it and can we shut them down before they do any further damage, and in a hurry, with citizen pressure or something leaked? How do we find out? Are there any legal eagles out there in cyberspace who know this stuff?

Whistleblowers, now is the time to bring it on and keep firing with all you've got.

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